The Value of Trusted Alliances

We partner with CPAs, tax firms, group benefit agencies, independent property and casualty agencies, and other companies to formalize a relationship that helps both of our organizations grow and better serve our clients.

Though it can often begin as a simple referral-sharing relationship, true trusted business alliances do much more than share leads—they partner with, support and complement each other—all to the significant benefit to the client.

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Program Benefits:
– Leverage our proven process, system and resource library for marketing your firm.
– Offer your clients the complete breadth of financial planning services to expand your existing roster of service offerings without adding costs or hiring new staff.
– More time and fewer distractions, enabling you to more fully serve existing and future clients.
– Strengthen existing relationships by offering more, so clients look to you as a single-source advisor.

The Seamless Path to Full-Service
At the heart of the Trusted Business Alliance Program is the easiest path to offering the complete breadth of financial planning services to your existing roster of service offerings. Your clients receive all of the guidance they need “under one roof,” never having to look elsewhere for complementary financial guidance ever again.